Training your brain for dummies (dummies)
Mastering the latest
fitness craze-keeping your brain healthy at any age Judging from the
worldwide popularity of the brain game, Nintendo DS, and such
mind-bending puzzles as SuDoku and KenKen(R), keeping ones mind as
limber as an Olympic athlete is an international obsession. With
forecasters predicting over a million people with dementia by 2025,
todays young and senior population have a vested interest in keeping
their grey matter in the pink for as long as possible. Training Your Brain For Dummies
is an indispensable guide to every aspect of brain fitness-and keeping
your mind as sharp, agile, and creative for as long as you can. Whether
you want to hone your memory, manage stress and anxiety, or simply eat
brain healthy food, this guide will help you build brain health into
your everyday life.
Includes verbal, numerical and memory games,
brain games to play on the move, tips on the best day-to-day habits, and
long-term mental fitness techniques Offers ten key brain training
basics, tips on brain training through ones lifetime, and improving
long- and short-term memory Includes advice on improving creativity,
developing a positive mindset, and reaping the rewards of peace and
quiet With tips on mind/body fitness, Training Your Brain For Dummies is a must-have guide for anyone, at any age, for keeping ones mind-and quality of life-in peak condition.
ISBN 10:0470974494
ISBN 13:9780470974490
File:PDF, 2.67 MB
IPFS:CID , CID Blake2b
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