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  • بازدید امروز : 1489
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Technical Math For Dummies (For Dummies (Math & Science))

Technical Math For Dummies (For Dummies (Math & Science))

Technical Math For Dummies (For Dummies (Math & Science))

This book is like that first lick off a chocolate mint ice cream cone or the feel of the ocean breeze on your face ; you just gotta experience it first hand to know why I purchased over a dozen copies for every household of my nieces and nephews, friends who help their children with math homework, K-12, and to a middle school math teacher to remind him how math can be taught quite simply with meaning and enjoyment. This book ought to be next to that dictionary in every household. It covers concepts from addition to Trigonometry in the most learner/reader friendly way. This book covers all subjects at the most practical level. You wont need to purchase books on various math topics, theyre all here. And I didnt think Id chuckle or laugh, learning about math. Recently a math book for girls was released. What? Technical Book for Dummies doesnt perpetuate that myth about girls being less teachable or capable. This book addresses all people as learners, thus respecting all learners without indulging in gender myths. I grew up hating and fearing math and avoided all math courses beyond basic math. This book changed everything. The difference is the humorous and patient voices of the authors. Its as though they knew they had to be delicate, uncomplicated with their language and funny to hold my attention before they could help me rid myself of past fears. This they did, without a touch of intimidation. I highly recommend this book. You just gotta read a few pages to know why I compare this to an ice cream cone. Besides, I like authors who have confidence in their work. Ive been promised that if I cant balance my check book after the chapter on checkbooks, one of the authors will personally come to my door to balance my checkbook for me. [...]




Publisher:For Dummies






ISBN 10:0470598743


ISBN 13:9780470598740


Series:For Dummies Math & Science


File:PDF, 14.88 MB


IPFS:CID , CID Blake2b





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