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  • بازدید امروز : 1604
  • بازدید دیروز : 2229
  • بازدید کل : 1856293

The Little Book That Makes You Rich: A Proven Market-Beating Formula for Growth Investing (Little Books. Big Profits)

The Little Book That Makes You Rich: A Proven Market-Beating Formula for Growth Investing (Little Books. Big Profits)

The Little Book That Makes You Rich: A Proven Market-Beating Formula for Growth Investing (Little Books. Big Profits)
Profit from a powerful, proven investment strategyThe Little Book That Makes You Rich is the latest book in the popular "Little Book, Big Profits" series. Written by Louis Navellier -- one of the most well-respected and successful growth investors of our day -- this book offers a fundamental understanding of how to get rich using the best in growth investing strategies. Navellier has made a living by picking top, actively traded stocks and capturing unparalleled profits from them in the process. Now, with The Little Book That Makes You Rich, he shows you how to find stocks that are poised for rapid price increases, regardless of overall stock market direction. Navellier also offers the statistical and quantitative measures needed to measure risk and reward along the path to profitable growth stock investing. Filled with in-depth insights and practical advice, The Little Book That Makes You Rich gives individual investors specific tools for selecting stocks based on the factors that years of research have proven to lead to growth stock profits. These factors include analysts moves, profit margins expansion, and rapid sales growth. In addition to offering you tips for not paying too much for growth, the author also addresses essential issues that every growth investor must be aware of, including which signs will tell you when its time to get rid of a stock and how to monitor a portfolio in order to maintain its overall quality. Accessible and engaging, The Little Book That Makes You Rich outlines an effective approach to building true wealth in todays markets.Louis Navellier (Reno, NV) has one of the most exceptional long-term track records of any financial newsletter editor in America. As a financial analyst and editor of investment newsletters since 1980, Navelliers recommendations (published in Emerging Growth) have gained over 4,806 percent in the last 22 years, as confirmed by a leading independent newsletter rating service, The Hulbert Financial Digest. Emerging Growth is one of Navelliers four services, which also includes his Blue Chip Growth service for large-cap stock investors, his Quantum Growth service for active traders seeking shorter-term gains, and his Global Growth service for active traders focused on high growth global stocks.












ISBN 10:047013772X


ISBN 13:9780470137727


File:PDF, 2.30 MB


IPFS:CID , CID Blake2b





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